tractor and disc

tractor and disc

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Fall Food Plots-- Cannon County

This was one of the coolest farms that I visited all season long.  It was at the end of a gravel trail that was just barely wide enough for my truck and trailer.  At the gate you enter into a field that has so many rock outcrops that you would never believe that anything could grow there!!  I got a little nervous at first, but we soon found ourselves at the end of the road .  This farmstead was situated in a huge valley that had to huge hills on either side.  It was growed up from over the summer, so we had lots of bushogging to do first before we could start braking ground.  I bet there where some huge deer up those draws and hollows and not to mention probably hundreds of turkeys!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Secluded Plot in Macon County Tennessee

This was an interesting trip to do a food plot, as I had not been to Macon co. before.   As I followed the owner into his farm, there were acres and acres of tobaccco that had been harvested, along with thousands of pumpkins.  This was some truly unique country!   The first plot that we broke ground on was actually in Tennessee and Kentucky.    A fence row seperated the the two states and I thought that was pretty unique!  We sowed the Hoopers fall mix of Winter Wheat, Oats and Winter Peas on his plots and we looked at working some new ground next spring with some summer annuals.     Notice how big this tobbaco barn is, there are five more just like it, one behind the other. 

Working a Late Season Dove Field

Here are a couple of photos of a late season dove field that I worked  just outside of Murfreesboro.  The owner sowed it down with wheat and I disced it over again, if hope of having a good dove shoot for the later dove season in November.  Next spring we will plant Peredovic Sunflowers and milo.